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MACCA | Firefly art deco style illustration white blond haired mom and dad at christmas with contract in

The Best Gift: Securing Your Children's Future with Real Estate Investments

In the search for the perfect gift for our children, do we ever consider anything beyond toys or the latest gadgets? In this article we explore the idea that the most valuable gift parents can leave their children goes beyond the material, focusing on the transformative power of a real estate investment. Investing in the Future: The key is in...

MACCA | 64d3a1 7010efd4fa82437f97c767666674b104e1 mv2

Consumo reinvents its business model

Today, the newspaper el COLOMBIANO of Medellín published a news item detailing the situation of the CONSUMO cooperative, its future movements and its alliance with MACCA Desarrollo Inmobiliario and the construction company Hitos Urbanos. Under the title "Consumo ends alliance with Merkepaisa: Consumo Cooperative retakes control of seven establishments", Johan Chiquiza Nonsoque author of the...

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