Make an informed investment with an

Market and Prefeasibility Analysis for real estate projects in Medellín

We study the possibilities of your lot, its regulatory and constructive capabilities, analyze the area, competition and market opportunities to help you maximize the potential development you wish to realize.



We are available all week to answer your questions, but if you wish, here you will find answers to frequently asked questions from our customers.

It may seem that the answer is obvious but many, based on personal opinions and sensations rather than data, carry out real estate developments, many times being lucky and other times not so lucky.

Although a market analysis does not guarantee success in the development of a new property, it does guarantee having better information prior to development, which gives much more insight and can help to mitigate possible mistakes or to verify if a business idea is viable. Informed decisions are usually the most likely to succeed.

Normally, market analysis for real estate developments and projects should be done by interdisciplinary teams with expertise in regulatory, construction, architecture, real estate business models, technology and even marketing and sales.

Having many experienced eyes improves the results of the analysis, creating deliverables that reflect a more complete picture of the projects and their possibilities and alternatives.

A market analysis, along with sensitization sessions, reviews with control entities, site visits, data collection and creation of deliverables can take up to 6 months depending on the complexity of the project and the depth of analysis required by the project manager.

It is advisable to do a market analysis and pre-feasibility of your real estate project from the beginning, since this will yield extremely important data that may change the initial conception you have for your project.

This data in a more advanced project may incur architectural changes, project costs or even the entire concept. This may seem annoying, but it is actually a help, because if the change is being made, it is because a shortcoming or a better opportunity was detected in time.

We are Market

Let's boost your project together
market and pre-feasibility study is the best way to

a smart investment

Don't make the mistake of many! A market analysis and a pre-feasibility of a real estate project will provide you with accurate information about your project and the market that will help you make the best development decisions and thus minimize mistakes, avoid reprocessing and improve the chances of success of your investment.


$ 45
  • Batch analysis
  • Technical and regulatory analysis
  • Construction index analysis
  • Competitive analysis
  • Financial prefeasibility
  • Delivery of results


$ 60
  • All those of the Basic plan +
  • Use of areas
  • Market opportunity analysis
  • Business Models
  • Architectural approach


$ 90
  • All the Pro + plan
  • Schematic renderings
  • Title study
  • Supplier Directory
  • Approaching curatorial offices

Feasibility studies

of development lots

We get the best benefit for your property from the correct use of the current regulations that apply to each municipality and property.


Procedures and Permits

for construction

We are agile in managing procedures, permits and licenses related to the real estate and construction sectors.


Legal Counsel


We focus on the legal aspect of the regulations, always seeking the greatest benefit for our clients.

Make an Appointment

we are available from

9am - 4pm M-F

Do you have a question?

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Our team is ready to analyze all the opportunities available in your properties or projects in order to generate the highest possible value for you and your clients.

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